20 Best Replies When Someone Says "Thank God"

When something good happens to someone you always hear them say 'Thank God.'  Most times they do it out of excitement and because they have been anticipating something good for a long time, the moment it happens you see the person thanking God for what happened.There are times when people say things to you that you don't even know how to reply. The same is applicable here, when someone says 'Thank God' you may not know the best way to reply. I have written this article to expand on the various ways to respond when someone says 'Thank God.' 

20 Best Replies When Someone Says "Thank God"

  1. Yeah, he deserves it
  2. I am glad you got what you want
  3. Yeah, indeed
  4. Thank him always, not only when good things happen
  5. It's obvious God's blessings are with you
  6. God has never forsaken me before
  7. Sometimes give credit to yourself too
  8. Thanking God is how I express my gratitude
  9. Let us give him the glory
  10. Who else deserves the praise?
  11. Thank God for?
  12. Care to share why you are rejoicing?
  13. Make thanking God a habit
  14. Did you thank God in prayer this morning?
  15. That's good, keep thanking him for He is God
  16. I like how faithful you are to God
  17. Care to take the praises to church?
  18. Yeah, than me for being by your side too
  19.  Next time don't doubt God
  20.  Indeed, it's all in God's plan

Yeah, he deserves it

Best Replies When Someone Says Thank God'Yeah, he deserves it' is one of the unique ways to respond to 'Thank God.' This response clearly states that If deserves the thanks and praise not only because he has done something, but because he has been good to you. Example: Thank GodResponse: He deserves it

I am glad you got what you want

Best Replies When Someone Says Thank GodAnother cool way to respond when someone says 'Thank God' is 'I am glad you got what you want.'This is a nice way to show that you are also happy that the person got what he wanted. Take note that this response is best used if the person said 'Thank God' because something he has been working on finally worked and he was happy it did. Example: Thank GodResponse: I'm glad you got what you want

Yeah, indeed

'Yeah, indeed' is a better way to respond to 'Thank God.'It shows you agree that truly God needs to be praised. When you have experienced good things from God you will not hesitate to praise him when need be. You can even go as far as showing the person Bible verses that explain why we should thank god at all times. Example: Thank GodResponse: Yeah, Indeed.

Thank him always, not only when good things happen

This response is more like a reminder that it is a good idea to praise God at all times not only when someone good happens. With this response, the person would have it at the back of his mind that the right thing to do is to give God thanks at all times. Example: Thank GodResponse: Thank him always, not only when good things happen

It's obvious God's blessings are with you

Another of the best ways to respond to 'Thank God' is 'It's obvious God's blessings are with you.' are a way of reaffirming to the person that it is obvious God is with him. Thanking God is a good thing to do but most people do it only when God has blessed them with something. Things can be going so smoothly for someone and you will be able to see how God has blessed the person with things that are happening, that is most likely why the person would thank God. Example: Thank GodResponse: It's obvious God's blessings are with you

God has never forsaken me before

One nice way to respond to 'Thank God' is 'God has never forsaken me.' This shows how faithful you are to God, you make it known to those around you that you have always been faithful to God and he has never forsaken you too. If you are someone God has always been good to, you will not hesitate to thank God at all times. Example: Thank GodResponse: God has never forsaken me 

Sometimes give credit to yourself too

'Sometimes give credit to yourself too' is another nice way to respond to 'Thank God'.'It is best to use this response only if you are sure the person played a major role in making that particular thing work. Use this response If you have this particular friend who always gives all the credit to God even when he has put in his physical efforts that made it work. Example: Thank GodResponse: Sometimes give yourself credit too

Thanking God is how I express my gratitude

One of the best ways to respond to 'Thank God' is 'Thanking God is how you express my gratitude.' People have different ways of expressing how grateful they are to God. Some give to the church, while others express it by giving thanks. If that is how you express your gratitude, then it is not a bad idea at all. Example: Thank GodResponse: Thanking God is how I express my gratitude

Let us give him the glory

Another good way to respond to 'Thank God' is 'Let us give him the Glory.' This is a direct message to give God the Glory because that is how it ought to be. A response like this shows how spiritually conscious you are and that you see the need to give God the glory even when others do not. Example: Thank GodResponse: Let us give him the Glory

Who else deserves the praise?

A better way to respond to 'Thank God' is 'Who else deserves the praise?'With this response, you send a direct message to the person that if not God, who else deserves the praise? God has been with you since the beginning, that is more reason why you need to give him all the praise that he deserves. Example: Thank GodResponse: Who else deserves the praise?

Thank God for?

'Thank God for?' is one of the ways to respond to 'Thank God.'This is a clear response that shows you want to know why the person is thanking God.Especially if you notice the person rarely thanks God unless there is something good that happened. When you notice the person thanking God, you may want to know why he is doing so. Example: Thank GodResponse: Thank God for?

Care to share why you are rejoicing?

'Care to share why you are rejoicing?' is one of the best ways to respond to 'Thank God.'Sometimes, it is good to celebrate with people when good things happen to them. When you notice someone thanking God because something good just happened it is safe to be interested in finding out what happened.Example: Thank GodResponse:Care to share why you are rejoicing?

Make thanking God a habit

'Make thanking God a habit' sounds like a better way to respond to 'Thank God.'If you figure out that this person only thanks God once in a while, the best thing to do is to advise the person to make thanking God a habit.That way, the person will see reasons to thank God even when things are not going as planned. Example: Thank GodResponse: Make thanking God a habit

Did you thank God in prayer this morning?

Another way to respond to 'Thank God' is 'Did you thank God in prayer this morning?' It makes sense to thank God when you pray. When you see someone thanking God when something good happens, it also makes sense to ask if the person thanked God in prayers that morning. That way, you send an indirect reminder to the person that he ought to thank God for friends and family when he prays. Example: Thank GodResponse: Did you thank God in your prayers this morning?

That's good, keep thanking him for He is God

Another good way to respond to 'Thank God' is 'That's good, keep thanking him for he is God.' It is advice to the person to keep thanking God regardless of how things are going at the moment. You remind the person that it is good to just keep thanking God just because he is God. Example: Thank GodResponse: That's good, keep thanking him for he is God.

I like how faithful you are to God

'I like how faithful you are to God' is one way to respond to 'Thank God.' People often remain faithful to God regardless of the situation they find themselves in. That is how loyal some people can be. If you see that trait in someone do not hesitate to let the person know. It is easy to find out, especially when you see the person thanking God even when things are not going his way. Example: Thank GodResponse: I like how faithful you are to God

Care to take the praises to church?

'Care to take the praises to church?' is another nice way to respond to 'Thank God.' Sometimes it makes a lot of sense to give Thanksgiving in Church, especially if you just had a breakthrough and you feel you need to take the praises and Thanksgiving to church. When you notice someone had a breakthrough and you see how glad the person is giving thanks, in your response, suggest to the person to take the praises to church, that way more people will celebrate with them or more people will share their good news. Example: Thank GodResponse: Care to take the praises to church?

Yeah, thank me for being by your side too

'Yeah, thank me for being by your side too' is one of the best ways to respond to 'Thank God.' You should use this response if you assisted the person in achieving something but the person forgets to give you credit for that too. Let the person know that you play a major role and the person must give you credit for that. In your response, you remind the person to bless and thank you for being by their side. Probably without your input, the person would not have achieved that much. Example: Thank GodResponse: Yeah, thank me for being by your side too

Next time don't doubt God

This Is a response you can use if the person doubted God several times until God made it known to him that he can still perform wonders. In a situation like this, remind the person that he should not have doubted God, next time he should believe that God will be with him even in hard times and that God will not forsake him. Once you tell this to the person you will notice they will not doubt God anymore. Example: Thank GodResponse: Next time don't doubt God

Indeed, it's all in God's plan

'Indeed, it's all in God's plan' sounds like a better way to respond to 'Thank God.'Sometimes we do not know what God has for us, but because humans can be so impatient we get to do things our way forgetting that God has plans for us. When things are not going your way, you may not know why things are happening that way, it could be in God's plans but you may not be aware of that. Example: Thank GodResponse: Indeed, it's all in God's plan

Parting Words

People often give praise or thanks to God out of excitement for something good that happened to them. How do you respond to such people? Even if you do not know the right way to respond, this article will show you the various ways to respond when you find yourself in a situation like this. All the responses I shared in this article can be used differently, it is a good thing you know the right time to use each of them.  


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