15 Best Replies to Text Me When You Get Home Safely 

We've all probably experienced someone asking us to text them when we're home safely. Whether we're returning from a date, a party, or work, this phrase is quite common.When someone asks you to text them when you're home safely, you may see it as a normal courtesy, but most times it's out of genuine concern.They wouldn't ask you to let them know you're home safely if they don't care about you.So, a good response is necessary to acknowledge their concern and to assure them you'll text them.If you're worried about what to say, this article got you covered. I'll be discussing good replies when someone asks you to text them when you're home.

15 Best Replies to Text Me When You Get Home Safely 

The kind of reply you give when someone asks you to text them when you're home safely will depend on the relationship you share with the person.If they're your loved ones, you might want to give sweet replies that reciprocate their feelings like, "Of course. I can't keep my love worried," and "That's the first thing I'd do."And if they're your colleague at work, school, or anywhere, statements like "Alright, I will. Bye" and "Alright, you'll hear from me soon" will work.Here are 15 good responses when someone asks you to let them know when you're back home safely.

  1. Alright
  2. Okay
  3. Sure
  4. Thanks for your concern. I'll let you know
  5. Don't worry about me. I'll make sure to inform you
  6. You don't have to worry, I'll call you instead 
  7. I will. Do text me too
  8. There's no problem. Do inform me when you're home too
  9. No problem. Thanks again for your hospitality 
  10. Don't forget to text me too
  11. Of course. I can't keep my love worried
  12. That's the first thing I'd do
  13. You have my word
  14. Are you sure you won't come with me?
  15. I will call you, so we can talk more 


"Alright" is one of the responses to give someone who asks you to let them know when you're home safely.If you're leaving for work, a party, or your parents, this word will assure them that you'll do as they've asked. It's a simple word you can use in a formal and informal setting to show your acknowledgment and acceptance.However, depending on the relationship you share with the person, you can be more passionate with your words. Here's how to use this word:

  • Alright, I will. Bye 
  • Alright, you'll hear from me soon 


"Okay" is another word you can use to guarantee someone that you understand what they tell you.When someone asks you to text them when you're home, this response lets them know you understand them and you'll do as they've asked you.It's something you can use on any occasion to assure the person that you'll carry out their instruction. You can be strictly formal with this word if it's your boss.But, when it's your loved one, you can use this word with emotions.Here's an example:

  • Okay, I'll do that. Take care 
  • Okay, dear. Stay close to your phone 


Best Replies to Text Me When You Get Home Safely "Sure" is another affirmative word that tells someone you understand them. You can use this word to assure someone who asks you to let them know when you're home safely that you'll do so.It's a direct way to respond to them. However, you can respond more generously depending on who they are. For instance, if it's your partner, adding endearment will work appropriately.Here's an example:

  • Sure, you'll be the first to know
  • Sure, sweetheart. I'll call you instead 

Thanks for Your Concern. I'll Let You Know 

Another statement you can use to respond to someone who shows concern about your safety is "Thanks for your concern. I'll let you know" If your colleagues ask you to text them when you're home safely, this response assures them that you'll do so.In addition, appreciating them is another good way to let them know you're grateful for their concern. Moreover, assuring them that you'll text them gives them peace of mind, knowing that they'll know when you're home safely.It's a cool response you can use in a formal or semi-formal environment.

Don't Worry About Me. I'll Make Sure to Inform You

"Don't worry about me. I'll make sure to inform you" This is another good reply you can give someone who wants to know about your safety.It'll work when someone asks you to inform them when you're home safely. This response assures them that you'll do as they say. Also, asking them not to worry about you is a good way to set their mind at ease. You can use this response in a formal or informal setting. In addition, you can always tweak this reply to suit you. For example, using endearing terms with your loved ones.

You Don't Have to Worry, I'll Call You Instead 

"You don't have to worry, I'll call you instead" is another reply that'd work when someone shows concern for you.When someone asks you to text them when you're home, this is a cool response to give. It'll work with someone you care about to keep them at ease.For instance, after a date with a crush, this response lets them know you care about them too and you're interested in pushing things forward.You can also give this reply to your parents, siblings, or loved ones to put their minds at ease and reciprocate their energy.

I will. Do Text Me too

"I will. Do text me too" is another response that'd work when someone asks you to let them know when you're home safely.This response doesn't only assure them that you'll do as they say, but it also clearly expresses your care for them. It's appropriate if you're both out of your houses and need to return.For example, leaving after work, a party, or a date at a public place. Asking them to text you lets them know you care enough about their safety too.It's a good response to use with someone you share a cordial relationship with. Maybe your colleague at work you're more friendly with, or someone you're open to a warm relationship with.Here's how you can use this response:

  • I will. Do text me too, so I'll know you're safe as well 
  • I will, dear. Do text me too.

There's no Problem. Do Inform Me When You're Home too

Another reply you can give when someone shows concern for your safety is, "There's no problem. Do inform me when you're home too."It's an appropriate response when someone asks you to let them know when you're home safely.Also, this response works like the above to assure them that you'll do as they say, and to express your care too.You can use it with a first date to let them know you share the same feelings with them and to encourage them.

No Problem. Thanks Again for Your Hospitality 

A formal response to give when someone asks you to let them know when you're home safely is, "No problem. Thanks again for your hospitality"It's an appropriate response when they've received you in their home or on their occasion.For instance, if you attended a friend or colleague's housewarming party, this is a good reply to give when they ask you to let them know when you're back home safely.It guarantees them you'll inform them when you're home and also appreciates them for welcoming you warmly into their home or hosting you on their occasion.

Don't Forget to Text Me Too

Another cool way of responding to someone who wants to know when you're home safely is "Don't forget to text me too."This response lets them know you'll text them and also tells them you need to know when they're home too.Using this response makes them aware that you care about them too. It's a casual response you use with friends, colleagues, and even on a date to return the same energy.Here's how you can use the expression:

  • Don't forget to text me too. I need to know you're fine
  • Don't forget to text me too. Goodbye

Of Course. I Can't Keep My Love Worried

 Best Replies to Text Me When You Get Home Safely "Of course. I can't keep my love worried" is a beautiful way of responding to your loved ones when they show concern about your safety.This response assures them that you'll inform them when you're back home safely. Also, adding that you can't keep them worried shows that you care enough about them to ensure they're not worried.It's a sweet way to flirt with your partner or loved ones. Also, you can flirt with your crush with this response to get them thinking if you mean what you said.Additionally, it's a playful response you can use with friends and colleagues.

That's the First Thing I'd Do

"That's the first thing I'd do" is another perfect reply to give someone who shows concern about your safety.This response doesn't only tell them you'll do as they've asked you, it'll also put them at ease or make them less worried.Telling them that it's the first thing you'll do on getting home is enough to assure them that they mean something to you.It's a cool response to use with your loved ones or with someone you hope to start something with.Here's how you can use it:

  • That's the first thing I'd do, so set your mind at ease
  • That's the first thing I'd do. I don't want you worrying 

You Have My Word

"You have my word" is another way to assure someone that you'll do as they say.This direct response will keep them less worried knowing that you intend to do as they've asked. It'll work with someone who shows genuine worry about your safety.For instance, if there've been some recent safety concerns in the vicinity, and they want to ensure they'll hear from you once you're safe.Giving them this response will assure them that they'll hear from you once you're home.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • You have my word, Mum. Don't bother yourself
  • You have my word, dear. I'll text you once I get to my door 

Are You Sure You Won't Come with Me?

Best Replies to Text Me When You Get Home Safely Another cool way to reply to someone worried about you is by asking, "Are you sure you won't come with me?" When someone asks you to text them when you're home safely, this response is a sweet way of responding to them.It's appropriate when they show genuine worry or they're reluctant to let you go. Teasing them with this response can help release some tension. Also, you can flirt with your partner or crush with this response, especially if you want them to come with you. You might succeed in convincing them to.Here's how to use the response:

  • Are you sure you won't come with me? I'm going to prepare a hot bath, and I don't think I want to be alone 
  • Are you sure you won't come with me? So, you won't have to miss me

I Will Call You, So We Can Talk More 

"I will call you, so we can talk more" is another reply to give someone you care about when they show concern about you.When your friend or a date asks you to let them know when you're home safely, this response is a good response for them.It doesn't only assure them that you'll let them know, it tells them that you've enjoyed their company and would want to continue where you've stopped. 

Wrapping Up

When someone shows concern about your safety, your response can set them at ease. So, when they ask you to inform them when you are back safely, you can assure them you'll do so while appreciating their concern.Also, you can let them know you care about them too with the kind of reply you give. Feel free to use any of the above examples appropriately. 


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