20 Best Comments For Poetry On Instagram

Some people consider it unfair to come across something that really touches you on Instagram or any other social platform and not like or comment. Many of the things we come across online took someone's time and energy, and if you really love it, commenting can be very encouraging. But what do you say when you come across a nice poem on Instagram? How can you encourage the writer and show how much you loved it? If you're short of words to express your appreciation, let me help you find the right words.

20 Best Comments For Poetry On Instagram

Two lines of poetry hand written with a fountain pen

Here are twenty of the best comments you can post on Instagram when you see a nice poem or any other written content to appreciate the writer;

  1. Your poem takes me to another world, a world where your words are alive

  2. Every single line of the poem is written beautifully

  3. It looks like you have a magical pen at home

  4. I wish I could write this well, this is simply splendid

  5. To be sincere, I generally don't like to read, but your content keeps me wanting for more 

  6. Such a masterpiece!

  7. My favorite part was "...

  8. I can't wait for your next piece, whenever it may come

  9. Such a nice blunt piece, it hit me right in the guts

  10. Your choice of words is a perfect example of perfection

  11. I've never read a more inspiring poem

  12. You write with such style and elegance

  13. Finding a poem this beautiful is quite rare

  14. Your poems are always interesting and educational

  15. I'm eager to read more of your poems

  16. Your words speak directly to my heart

  17. Thanks for sharing, I have not read something as good as this in a while

  18. If you give up writing now, the world just lost a great poet, please keep writing

  19. Your words make me think deeply

  20. This poem is so captivating and unique

'Your poem takes me to another world, a world where your poems are alive'

This is an encouraging and complimentary comment that you can post, not only on poems but any written content.  Nothing makes a writer more happy, than for his writing to come alive. The more realistic the writing is, the more successful the writing is. The best story is the one in which the characters come alive and the best poem is one in which a new world is created. 

'Every single line of the poem is written beautifully'

"Every single line of the poem is written beautifully" is a very uplifting and heartening comment. This not only praises the poem as a whole but emphasizes the fact that each line was written beautifully. Some poems are not really interesting at the beginning, you might reach half the poem before you begin to find it interesting, but this comment shows that the same is not true, but rather, from the very first line to the last was interesting.

'It looks like you have a magical pen at home'

"It looks like you have a magical pen at home" is a clever and creative phrase to use as a comment. What you're trying to say is that the words are magical, the perfection of the poem seems like magic. It's like saying what you write can only be written by a magical pen, that the effect of the poem is to be magical. You can still lighten it up and say, "It seems you have a magical pen at home, can you lend it to me?" 

‘I wish I could write like this, this is simply splendid’

I wish I could write like this, this is simply splendid" is another, elevating response that can boost the writer's morale to continue writing. It is natural for any man to feel happy and on top of the world for him/her to be better at doing something than another, everyone wants to be the best. This comment acknowledges your imperfections while putting the writer as your kind of superior. This phrase shows that the person who wrote that piece is better at writing than you.

‘To be honest, I generally don't like to read, but your content keeps me wanting for more’

stack of books

This is another impressive and magnificent comment you can give to a poet on social media. This only means that the writing must be so good, that someone who doesn't like reading, not only read and enjoyed the poem, but even wants to read more of your poem, what can be more encouraging?

‘Such a masterpiece!’

Such a few words, but an attention-catching phrase. Masterpiece is like saying the best among the best, it means that the poem was written with great skill and perfection. You can just say "Masterpiece!" 

‘My favorite part was...’

This is the best among the best comments. You type your favorite part in the comments section. Just hearing that the poem touched you, or that it's interesting or beautiful is not captivating sometimes. Because a lot of people that didn't even read the poem can post that as a comment. But stating the exact place you like and probably quoting it, is more convincing that you really enjoyed the poem.

'I can't wait for your next piece, whenever it might come'

"I can't wait for your next piece, whenever it might come" is an enthusiastic and anticipatory comment. It is definitely a good comment since it shows that you're really in love with the poem, and the poet's style of writing, so much so that you're anxious and anticipating for the next one. A sold out follower is invaluable to a writer.

'Such a nice blunt piece, it hits me in the guts'

"Such a nice blunt piece, it hits me in the guts"  is another wonderful comment. The joy of a writer, specifically a poet is when his piece touches lives, makes you think twice and change your lives for the better. This comment means that the poem is really touching. For example you write a poem that probably focuses on dumping refuse in the wrong place, and after you read that poem, you decide never to dump refuse in the wrong place anymore, that's a poem that hits you in the gut.

'Your choice of words is a perfect example of perfection'

"Your choice of words is a perfect example of perfection" is a good way of complimenting the poet and his poem. What makes a good writing or poem, is the choice of words they choose to use. Two people can explain the same exact story with different choices of words such that one story is interesting, while the other is not. This comment is like praising the backstage coordinators that made the movie run smoothly.

‘I've never read a more inspiring poem’

"I've never read a more inspiring poem" is an elevating compliment that will boost the morale of the writer to write more. A poem is meant to inspire, so this comment shows that the purpose of that poem was fulfilled.  This means that the poem makes you want to do whatever it's advocating for. You can rephrase it to; "inspiring poem" "This poem inspired me" or "such a motivating poem". This will also inspire the writer to write more. This comment also means that the poem is not only inspiring, but even more inspiring than any you've come across.

‘You write with such elegance and style’

"You write with such elegance and style" is an intelligent and polite comment you can give to a poem you really love. The difference between a story or any other content and a poem, it's the style of writing and the elegance with which a poem is written. Saying that the style of the writer is elegant is a graceful way to appraise the poet and his/her poem and it also gives him a sense of uniqueness. It means that there is a special way he/she writes that makes him different from other writers.

‘Finding a poem that is beautiful is quite rare’

"Finding a poem that is beautiful is quite rare" is another lovely way to commend the efforts of the writer. There are so many write ups on Instagram that you can boldly call rubbish, as they just seem like you wasted your time in reading them. This kind of comment brings out the fact that the poem is outstanding, like finding a gem among stones. It is akin to saying that this poem is outstanding, since most of what you find online appears unpleasing. You're not only complimenting the writer that the poem is beautiful, but that it is more beautiful than most beautiful poems.

‘Your poems are always interesting and educational’

"Your poems are always interesting and educational" is a very impressive and notable way of commenting. This would definitely make the writer happy and motivated knowing he is making a difference in his/her field. This remark also shows that you are an ardent follower of his/her poems, since saying they are always educational and interesting means that you've always been reading his/her poems. This also means that you've not only even read his poems, but you've also found them interesting and you've learnt from them, what more could a writer ask for.

'I'm eager to read more of your poems'

"I'm eager to read more of your poems" is one of the best comments you can give on any social platform. This shows that you're anxious to see more work from this writer. This means that you must have really loved the poem and loved it so much that you want to see more.

‘Your words speak directly to my heart’

Woman holding heart of light

If you find a nice poem on Instagram or any social media platform, comment with "your words speak directly to my heart." It is very pleasing and eliciting, especially because, unlike other write-ups like stories and articles, poems are meant to speak directly to your heart. A poem that speaks directly to you must be so good, like the poem was written just for you. It's like saying, the poem hit me to my bones.

'Thanks for sharing, I have not read something as good as this in a while'

"Thanks for sharing, I have not read something as good as this in a while" is a nice comment today when you see a poem on Instagram. Thus far, we have only considered if the writer posts a poem on his page, but more often people share the write-ups they find. If the situation is such that the person posting isn't the original owner, but probably just shared the poem, it will be quite nice that while you praise the writer, you also take the person for sharing such a post, because if he/she didn't share it, it's more likely that you never would have seen it.

'If you give up writing now, the world just lost a great Poet, please keep writing'

"If you give up writing now, the world just lost a great Poet, please keep writing" is an interesting, beautiful complimentary and encouraging comment. I've come across a number of write-ups online, where the writer added that he/she was probably going to stop writing because he/she didn't feel encouraged. This kind of comment fits best for a situation like this. This is really good because, you're implying that the person is a great poet not only on a local or national level but on an international level, since you said, "the world just lost a great poet" while commending him/her, you're also appealing to him/her to continue writing.

‘Your words make me think deeply’

"Your words make me think deeply" is another beautiful compliment you can give, a poem that is so good that after reading it, you still sit down to think about the words of the poem, which must be nothing less than magnificent. A poem that makes you think is a touching one, provoking your desire for change, making you look deeply for answers. The writer must feel fulfilled after seeing this comment.

‘This poem is so captivating and unique’

 "This poem is so captivating and unique" is another marvelous comment you can give to a poem well written. If a writer can capture your attention with his/her writing and keep you reading till the end, his plan was successful and the writing must also be quite interesting


It's only fair that when you see a nice poem or write-up, you appreciate the efforts of the writer and sometimes even the person sharing it. Your little words of encouragement could go a long way in uplifting and motivating any writer. So, when next you see a poem that you love, don't just scroll past. Click on the comment section, and pick one of these comments. The beautiful thing is that you can use these comments for any beautiful content you like, not just poems.


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