20 Best Comebacks When Someone Says You Have a Big Forehead

Nobody is perfect and you are not either. And that’s a more vicious reason why you should frown at it when someone says you have a big head. That’s a straight backlash on you and it means a lot of things.It shows the person doesn’t respect your personality enough to accept your physical imperfections. This is the reason in most cases, but other times, it could be the person is just messing around with you. Whichever may be the case, you need to have the appropriate line of comebacks to front back and I will be showing you a collection of those in this article. Let’s get started!

Best 20 Comebacks When Someone Says You Have a Big Forehead

Some of the best comebacks you can front back when someone says you have a big forehead are 'Your pot belly would definitely beg to differ', 'And you have a mall for a mouth', 'Your mama still loves me that way though', 'Too big that it competes with your foolishness' and 'Don't tell me you're jealous it houses a bigger mind'.The responses above are just a glimpse of the host of comebacks I have lined up for you. These comebacks are sure to do a great job in making sure you regain your confidence from anyone who wants to put you down by insulting your physique.Other comebacks to when someone says you have a big forehead include:

  1. And you have a mall for a mouth
  2. Just like my big forehead, I also have a big vision for my life, you clearly don't
  3. At least, it’s bigger than your pea-sized brain
  4. It’s better than your inwardly receding hairline
  5. I bet your phallus is envious of my forehead
  6. Thanks for being observant this once in your entire life
  7.  Your pot belly would definitely beg to differ
  8.  Yes, I do. It's bigger than any vision you've ever thought
  9. Too big that it competes with your foolishness
  10. Do you know what is bigger than it? Your pride
  11. Don’t tell me you’re jealous it houses a bigger mind than yours
  12. Same with your eyes, nose, and your dumbness
  13. Yeah, I know. Sadly, there’s no room to give you a thought
  14. Your mama still loves me that way though
  15. Your girl hates small heads because my head game is top-notch
  16. That’s because it increases with every productive thought that it does
  17. Keep talking; soon your mouth will measure 3 times my forehead. It’s already 2x
  18. At least, it’s bigger than your apartment
  19. Make sure you take off your big incisors before making another statement
  20. I bet you don’t know any other big thing aside from my head

1.  And You Have a Mall for a Mouth

‘And you have a mall for a mouth’ is a funny comeback you can use when someone says you have a big forehead. This is a hilarious one because it has you insinuating that the person who says your forehead is big has a big mouth.To put things into perspective, you are saying that the person's mouth is as big as a mall.  A mall is usually a massive supermarket where a lot of people troupe in to shop. Hence, saying that the person has a mall for a mouth shows how big the person's mouth is. I'm pretty sure the person you said this to will feel the hurt.

2. Just as My Big Forehead, I Also Have a Big Vision for My Life, You Clearly Don’t

'Just as my big forehead, I also have a big vision for my life, you clearly don't' is a highly brainy comeback that you can use to make sure the person who says you have a big forehead doesn't feel the win. When someone talks down on you by saying your forehead is big, they usually anticipate feeling the win for making you feel bad.But with this response, you are taking whatever joy the person wants to get from them. Here, you’re telling the person that just as you have a big forehead, your forehead is bigger than the person’s entire life vision. This will make the person very reclusive.

3. At Least, It’s Bigger than Your Pea-Sized Brain

'At least, it's bigger than your pea-sized brain' is another resounding line of response that you can use as your comeback when someone says you have a big forehead. Here, you're telling the person that your forehead is bigger than their pea-sized brain.Saying this response means you're saying that the person who says you have a big forehead in turn has a pea-sized brain. For real, the person will not see this response coming from you so you should not hesitate to employ it.

4. It’s Better than Your Inwardly Receding Hairline

'It's better than your inwardly receding hairline' is that response you can use to troll the person who says you have a big forehead by capitalizing on their improper hairline. You're serving this comeback to the person by insinuating that your big forehead is better than your receding hairline. Don't forget to throw in a facial expression that accompanies this response. This way, you are sure to better deliver the message in the best way possible.

5. I Bet Your Phallus Is Envious of My Forehead

'I bet your phallus is envious of my forehead' is a heavily-packed response that you can employ as your comeback when someone says you have a big forehead. The whole point of this response is that it allows you to properly troll the person who said you have a big forehead.By this comeback, you're saying that your forehead is bigger than the person's phallus. To this degree, you can only use this comeback if the person who said that to you is a guy and you want to use that against him.

6. Thanks for Being Observant This Once in Your Entire Life

'Thanks for being observant this once in your entire life' is another ample line of response that you can utilize as your comeback when someone says you have a big forehead. Here, you're sarcastically saying thanks to the person who says you have a big forehead.By sarcasm, I mean that you're showing gratitude to the person for being observant just this once in their entire life. Notably, this comeback is a low blow to the waist to the person who says you have a big forehead. Once you present this as your comeback, chances are that the person will become reluctant to come up with another troll against you.

7. Your Pot Belly Would Beg To Differ

'Your pot belly would beg to differ' is witty a comeback that you can use to come at the person who says you have a big forehead. I say this because, with this response, you're banking on the person's pot belly to give them a dose of what they did to you.With this, you're saying that the person's pot belly will disagree with him in his conclusion that you have a big forehead. This has to be because the person's pot belly is bigger than your head and wouldn't want to share that glory with anyone.

8. Yes, I Do. It’s Bigger than Any Vision You’ve Ever Thought

'Yes, I do. It's bigger than any vision you've ever thought' is that comeback you can utilize if you want to make the person that says you have a big forehead go into unplanned sober reflection. First, you are not running away from the reality of your forehead being big, and also, you are saying that it is bigger than whatever life vision the person has ever thought about. Can you see how destructive this comeback can be? It can take the person from being a vision tycoon to doubting everything they've ever dreamt about.

9. Too Big That It Competes With Your Foolishness

Best Comebacks When Someone Says You Have a Big Forehead‘Too big that it competes with your foolishness’ is a savvy response to when someone says you have a big forehead. With this comeback, you’re telling the person that even though your forehead is big as he or she opined, it doesn’t stop their foolishness from competing with that amount of size. I will pass out if someone directs this comeback to me, so expect the same thing from the person you’ll be sending this to.

10.  Do You Know What Is Bigger Than It? Your Pride

'Do you know what is bigger than it? Your pride' is that question-like response that can serve as your comeback when someone says you have a big forehead. J. Cole in one of his songs declared "Pride is the devil", which is an objective statement that decries how bad it is for someone to have pride.Suffice it to say that the person who says you have a big forehead did so because they're so full of themselves which is pride And they don't deem your imperfection (your big forehead) as a normality. If you can connect the dots in this line, then you should use this line to shock them back to reality.

11.  Don’t Tell Me You’re Jealous Because It Houses a Bigger Mind than Yours

‘Don’t tell me you’re jealous because it houses a bigger mind than yours’ can be your comeback when someone says you have a big forehead. You’re simply saying that your “big” forehead encompasses a smarter mind than the person’s.

12.  Same with Your Eyes, Nose, and Your Dumbness

'Same with your eyes, nose, and your dumbness' is a direct shot at the person who says you have a big forehead. Going by this comeback, you're saying that the person's eyes, nose, and dumbness are all big.

13.  Yeah, I Know. Sadly, There’s No Room to Give You a Thought

'Yeah, I know. Sadly, there's no room to give you a thought' can be your preferred comeback which has you informing the person who says you have a big forehead that you don't even think about them. That means they are that insignificant.

14.  Your Mama Still Loves Me That Way Though

'Your mama still loves me that way though' is another low blow you can shove down the ears of the person who says you have a big forehead. You’re telling the person that their mum still validates you as a love interest even with whatever flaw they think you have. With this, you might be ending an age-long mother-child relationship.

15.  Your Girl Hates Small Heads Because My Head Game Is Top Notch

Best Comebacks When Someone Says You Have a Big Forehead'Your girl hates small heads because my head game is top notch' is an elaborate comeback to when someone says you have a big forehead. You're just telling the person that his or her girlfriend prefers people with big heads like you because you know how to put her in a good mood unlike the speaker, who is her boyfriend.

16.  That’s Because It Increases with Every Productive Thought That It Does

‘That’s because it increases with every productive thought that it does’ is a comeback that puts your thinking capacity above that of the person who says you have a big forehead.

17.  Keep Talking; Soon Your Mouth Will Measure 3 Times My Forehead. It’s Already 2X

‘Keep talking; soon your mouth will measure 3 times my forehead. It’s already 2x’ is another heavy witty comeback to when someone says you have a big forehead. Here, you’re completely kicking the speaker out of the trolling game by telling him or her that they have elastic mediums for mouths.

18.  At Least, It’s Bigger than Your Apartment

‘At least, it’s bigger than your apartment’ is such a good comeback that it will get bystanders who heard you say it laughing out of their stomachs. This is because you're indirectly insinuating that the person who says you have a big forehead lives in a coven for an apartment.

19.  Make Sure You Take Off Your Big Incisors before Making another Statement

'Make sure you take off your big incisors before making another statement' is a comeback you can use to jester the dentition of the person who says you have a big forehead. You're encouraging the person to disown their front teeth before thinking of trolling you again.

20.  I Bet You Don’t Know Any Other Big Thing Aside From My Head

'I bet you don't know any other big thing aside from my head' is a comeback you can add to your catalog of things to say when someone says you have a big head. Using this line, you're flooring the person for knowing nothing else big or wonderful aside from your head. Isn't that a big blow?

Wrapping Up.

When someone says you have a big head, they’re just trying to put you off. But you wouldn’t allow them to do that, would you? This article has given you clear-cut comebacks that you can throw in when someone says you have a big forehead.You're free to pick from this extensive list because the responses cut across various personalities and states of mind. You will feel better after saying your two piece of comebacks to the person. Trust me. Peace! 


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