20 Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks

Having someone make fun of your looks can be a frustrating and painful experience. No one wants to feel embarrassed or self-conscious in front of others, yet it happens all too often. If you're looking for ways to stand up for yourself, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll provide 20 of the best comebacks when someone makes fun of your looks. Read on to reclaim your confidence and put those bullies in their place!

20 Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks

  • 'Well, I can't hear your insults over the sound of my fabulousness.'
  • 'I might not be a supermodel, but my personality is top-notch.'
  • 'Looks can change, but your attitude seems pretty permanent.'
  • 'I see your fashion sense is as outdated as your jokes.'
  • 'Is that the best you've got? I've heard better insults from a toddler with a crayon' 
  • 'Sorry, I don't speak 'insecure and jealous.'
  •  'I'm too busy living my life to worry about your shallow opinions.'
  • 'Sorry, I wasn't aware that my appearance was up for your review.'
  • 'Funny, I don't remember asking for your comment.'
  • 'It's a good thing my self-esteem isn't tied to your approval.'
  • 'You must be bored to analyze me this much.'
  •  'Oh, I didn't know I required your consent to be here'
  • 'Oh, I see you're still using your 5th-grade humor. How's that working out for you?.'
  • 'I'm owning my flaws; when will you own your insecurity?'
  • 'Keep staring—you might learn something.'
  • 'Funny how your mouth works better than your fashion sense.'
  • 'Your comments reveal more about you than they do about me.'
  •  'I'm not here to uphold your ideals of beauty.'
  • At least my mirror doesn't break when I smile.'
  • 'My charm is blinding; no wonder you can't see it.'  

With these comebacks up your sleeve, you can stay confident in the face of criticism! 

'Well, I can't hear your insults over the sound of my fabulousness.' 

Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks'Well, I can't hear your insults over the sound of my fabulousness.' is a perfect comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This witty response expresses confidence and self-assurance. It states that the person's insults are insignificant compared to your fabulousness and suggests that their opinion holds no weight.For example 

  • 'Nice outfit, did you dress in the dark?'
  • 'Well, I can't hear your insults over the sound of my fabulousness.'

'I might not be a supermodel, but my personality is top-notch.'  

When someone makes fun of your looks, a great comeback is to say, 'I might not be a supermodel, but my personality is top-notch.' This response acknowledges that physical appearance is not the only measure of worth and emphasizes the importance of inner qualities.For example 

  • 'You need to work on your style. In no way do you resemble a model.
  • 'I might not be a supermodel, but my personality is top-notch.'

'Looks can change, but your attitude seems pretty permanent.'  

When someone makes fun of your looks, a great comeback to shut them down is to say, 'Looks can change, but your attitude seems pretty permanent.' This mighty response highlights the importance of inner qualities and suggests that a negative attitude is far more noticeable and lasting than any physical appearance.For example 

  • 'You're so ugly, no one would ever want to be seen with you.'
  • 'Looks can change, but your attitude seems pretty permanent.'

'I see your fashion sense is as outdated as your jokes.'  

'I see your fashion sense is as outdated as your jokes' is a perfect comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This clever retort highlights the person's lack of style and simultaneously points out the staleness of their insults. For example 

  • 'Your outfit is so last season. You need a fashion makeover.'
  •  'I see your fashion sense is as outdated as your jokes.' 

'Is that the best you've got? I've heard better insults from a toddler with a crayon.' 

Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks'Is that the best you've got? I've heard better insults from a toddler with a crayon.' is an excellent comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response shows a sense of disappointment and dismisses the insults as insignificant. It indicates that the person's insults are weak and lack creativity.For example 

  • 'Wow, you need a makeover. You look terrible.'
  • 'Is that the best you've got? I've heard better insults from a toddler with a crayon.'

'Sorry, I don't speak 'insecure and jealous.'  

'Sorry, I don't speak 'insecure and jealous'' is an effective comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response dismisses the insult as nothing more than insecurity and jealousy, pointing up the lack of credibility in their words. It showcases that the person making fun is projecting their insecurities onto others.For example 

  • 'You're so ugly, nobody would ever want to date you.'
  • 'Sorry, I don't speak 'insecure and jealous'.' 

'I'm too busy living my life to worry about your shallow opinions.'  

When someone makes fun of your looks, a clever comeback to shut them down is to say, 'I'm too busy living my life to worry about your shallow opinions.' This powerful response emphasizes the importance of prioritizing one's happiness and self-confidence over the judgment of others. For example 

  • 'You look so hideous, I can't believe anyone would find you attractive.'
  • 'I'm too busy living my life to worry about your shallow opinions.'

'Sorry, I wasn't aware that my appearance was up for your review.'  

'Sorry, I wasn't aware that my appearance was up for your review' is a mighty and assertive comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response challenges the notion that your appearance is open to criticism and puts the person in their place. It arouses that their opinion is irrelevant and unwelcome. For example 

  • 'You must make changes to your hair immediately. It looks awful.'
  • 'Sorry, I wasn't aware that my appearance was up for your review.'

'Funny, I don't remember asking for your comment.'  

Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks'Funny, I don't remember asking for your comment' is a clever comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response implies that the person's opinion is unwanted and unnecessary, showcasing the lack of relevance their comment holds.For example 

  • 'Your outfit is so outdated, you should try to keep up with fashion trends.'
  • 'Funny, I don't remember asking for your comment.' 

'It's a good thing my self-esteem isn't tied to your approval.'  

'It's a good thing my self-esteem isn't tied to your approval' is a powerful comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response connotes that you have a strong sense of confidence and a healthy level of self-esteem that is not reliant on external validation.For example 

  • 'You're so ugly, nobody would ever find you attractive.'
  • 'It's a good thing my self-esteem isn't tied to your approval.' 

'You must be bored to analyze me this much.'  

When faced with someone making fun of your looks, a sharp comeback like 'You must be bored to analyze me this much' can effectively shut down their attempts at criticism. This response proposes a sense of distrust and sarcasm towards the person's obsession with scrutinizing your appearance. For example 

  • 'Your hair looks so frizzy. Have you ever heard of a hair salon?'
  • 'You must be bored to analyze me this much.'

'Oh, I didn't know I required your consent to be here'  

'Oh, I didn't realize I needed your permission to exist' is a sharp and assertive comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response challenges the idea that their opinion has any authority over your existence and highlights their arrogance in thinking otherwise. It tells that you don't require validation or approval from others to be comfortable in your skin. For example 

  • 'You're so ugly, you shouldn't even be seen in public.'
  • 'Oh, I didn't know I required your consent to be here' 

'Oh, I see you're still using your 5th-grade humor. How's that working out for you?.'  

'Oh, I see you're still using your 5th-grade humor. How's that working out for you?' is a clever comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response indicates that the person's attempts at mockery are childish and immature, stressing the absurdity of their behavior. For example 

  • 'Nice hair, did you get attacked by a weed whacker?'
  • 'Oh, I see you're still using your 5th-grade humor. How's that working out for you?'

'I'm owning my flaws; when will you own your insecurity?'  

'I'm owning my flaws; when will you own your insecurity?' is a powerful comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response reflects a level of self-acceptance and confidence that can disarm the person making derogatory remarks. It presumes that you are aware of your flaws and have accepted them while challenging the other person to confront their insecurities.For example 

  • 'You're so ugly, you should hide your face.'
  • 'I'm owning my flaws; when will you own your insecurity?' 

'Keep staring—you might learn something.'  

When faced with someone mocking your looks, a powerful comeback like 'Keep staring—you might learn something' can leave them speechless. This response showcases your confidence and challenges your judgment by implying that there is more to you than meets the eye. It suggests that they might be missing out on valuable lessons by fixating on your appearance. For example 

  • 'You're so ugly, I can't believe anyone would find you attractive.'
  • 'Keep staring—you might learn something.' 

'Funny how your mouth works better than your fashion sense.'  

'Funny how your mouth works better than your fashion sense' is a witty and effective comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response cleverly points out the person's lack of style and suggests that their ability to criticize is better than their ability to dress well. For example 

  • 'Nice outfit, did you get dressed in the dark?'
  • 'Funny how your mouth works better than your fashion sense.' 

'Your comments reveal more about you than they do about me.' 

Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks'Your words say more about you than they do about me' is a powerful comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response shifts the focus from your appearance to the person making the derogatory remarks, emphasizing that their words reflect their own insecurities and character flaws.For example 

  • 'You're so ugly, no wonder nobody wants to be with you.'
  • 'Your comments reveal more about you than they do about me.'

'I'm not here to uphold your ideals of beauty.'  

'I'm not here to meet your beauty standards' is a powerful comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response asserts that you prioritize your own self-acceptance and personal standards over the opinions and judgments of others. By using this comeback, you refuse to let someone else's narrow-mindedness dictate your self-worth and emphasize that you define your beauty.For example 

  • 'You're so unattractive, no one would ever want to be with you.'
  • 'I'm not here to uphold your ideals of beauty.'

'At least my mirror doesn't break when I smile.'  

'At least my mirror doesn't break when I smile' is a clever and humorous comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response playfully suggests that your appearance is not only pleasing to look at but also brings joy and happiness. It insinuates that the person making fun of you is unable to appreciate genuine beauty and positivity.For example 

  • 'You have such an ugly smile.'
  • 'At least my mirror doesn't break when I smile.'

'My charm is blinding; no wonder you can't see it.'  

'My charm is blinding; no wonder you can't see it' is a clever and confident comeback when someone makes fun of your looks. This response playfully suggests that your charm and personality shine so brightly that the person making fun of you simply can't perceive it. It implies that their limited perspective prevents them from recognizing their true qualities and attributes.For example

  • 'You're so unattractive, no one would ever be interested in you.'
  • 'My charm is blinding; no wonder you can't see it.' 


The best comeback when someone makes fun of your looks is to remember that you're the only one who gets to define your worth. Sure, they might say something mean, but it's not a reflection of who you are as a person. It's important to be confident in your skin and not let anyone make you feel less than amazing. So next time someone tries to put you down, just smile, shrug it off, and keep being your awesome self! 


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