20 Best Comebacks When A Girl Says You Have Hoes

When a girl says, 'you have hoes,' it typically means that she believes you have multiple romantic or intimate partners or options outside of your current relationship or situation.This phrase is often used colloquially to suggest that someone is not committed or faithful to a single person and may be pursuing or involved with multiple people simultaneously.However, the context and tone in which it's said can vary, so it's essential to have open and honest communication to understand the intended meaning.Such exchanges can transform moments of potential awkwardness into laughter-filled memories, reaffirming the strength of connection among friends, family, and acquaintances.In this collection of responses to the playful accusation of having 'hoes,' we explore the delightful realm of wordplay, gardening metaphors, and light-hearted humor.Each retort is a testament to the power of wit in diffusing tension and nurturing the warmth of human connection.

20 Best Comebacks When A Girl Says You Have Hoes

  1. 'I have a garden, not hoes!'
  2. 'Only in my dreams, apparently.'
  3. 'I thought I had a shovel, not hoes!'
  4. 'I believe you're taking me to be someone else.'
  5. 'My phone's just good at collecting numbers.'
  6. 'Tag me as a 'Netflix and chill' person.'
  7. 'I'm too busy to garden right now.'
  8. 'Well, at least they're not rakes.'
  9. 'I prefer a one-plant garden.'
  10. 'I'm just a friendly person, that's all.'
  11. 'They're all in the shed, I promise.'
  12. 'No, just a collection of old text messages.'
  13. 'I guess my cat counts as a 'hoe.''
  14. 'I must have misplaced my gardening gloves.'
  15. 'I'm still waiting for the gardening club invitation.'
  16. 'Nah, I'm more into indoor plants.'
  17. 'I thought I was just being sociable.'
  18. 'Only in Monopoly, maybe.'
  19. 'I'm the 'Hoe Whisperer.''
  20. 'I'm just trying to make friends with everyone!'

'I Have A Garden, Not Hoes!'

Best Comebacks When A Girl Says You Have Hoes'I have a garden, not hoes' is a clever way to respond when a girl says you have hoes. It employs wordplay to deflect the insinuation of having multiple romantic partners.Mentioning a garden humorously misinterprets 'hoes' as gardening tools rather than people. This response not only lightens the mood but also suggests a genuine interest in gardening, emphasizing the innocence of the situation.Example: Suppose a friend playfully teases you about having hoes, you can respond with this witty comeback: 'Well, you know me; I've been spending most of my free time in the garden, taking care of my plants and enjoying the outdoors. So, I definitely have a garden, not hoes.'

'Only In My Dreams, Apparently'

The response; 'Only in my dreams, apparently' adds a touch of self-deprecating humor to the situation.By saying that having hoes is something only achievable in one's dreams, you imply that it's far from reality. It suggests that the accuser's assumption is far-fetched, and it doesn't reflect your actual actions or intentions.Example: If someone jokingly accuses you of having hoes, you can reply with a smile, 'Well, only in my wildest dreams do I have that kind of luck! My reality is much more mundane.'

'I Thought I Had A Shovel, Not Hoes!'

'I thought I had a shovel, not hoes!' is a witty response when a girl says you have hoes. This comeback cleverly redirects the conversation from the realm of relationships to gardening tools.By pretending to mistake 'hoes' for a piece of gardening equipment like a shovel, you showcase your willingness to engage in playful banter and defuse any tension.Example: In response to someone's teasing about your romantic life, you can use this response to keep it light: 'Actually, I thought I needed a shovel for gardening, not hoes for dating! My mistake!'

'I Believe You're Taking Me To Be Someone Else.'

This comeback takes a more straightforward approach by suggesting that the person has confused you with another individual.It's a tactful way to dismiss the accusation without directly engaging with it. This response maintains your dignity and avoids getting into potentially uncomfortable details.Example: If someone insists that you have hoes, you can respond diplomatically with, 'I appreciate the thought, but I think you might be confusing me with someone else. That's not really my style.'

'My Phone's Just Good At Collecting Numbers.'

This response 'my phone's just good at collecting numbers' personifies your phone's capabilities humorously.By attributing the act of collecting phone numbers to the phone itself, you imply that you're not actively seeking multiple partners but that your phone is exceptionally efficient at storing contacts.This response adds a humorous twist to the situation.Example: If someone makes a comment about your extensive phone contacts, you can chuckle and reply, 'It's not me; it's my phone! It seems to have a knack for collecting numbers without my knowledge!'

'Tag Me As A 'Netflix And Chill' Person'

'Tag me as a 'Netflix and chill' person' is a fun comeback when a girl tells you that you have hoes. This response humorously contrasts the accusation of having multiple romantic partners with a more low-key and solitary activity, like watching Netflix.It suggests that your interests lie elsewhere, emphasizing that you prefer relaxation over complicated relationships.Example: In response to someone teasing you about your social life, you can reply with a grin, 'You know me, I'm more of a 'Netflix and chill' kind of person. One show at a time!'

'I'm Too Busy To Garden Right Now'

Another interesting comeback you can employ when a girl calls you a hoe is 'I'm too busy to garden now'. This comeback uses the theme of gardening to your advantage.It humorously suggests that you're too occupied with other aspects of life to maintain a garden or have multiple partners, highlighting your commitment to your current responsibilities and priorities.Example: If someone hints at you having hoes, you can respond playfully with, 'Honestly, I'm so busy with work and life right now that I wouldn't even have time for a garden, let alone hoes!'

'Well, At Least They're Not Rakes.'

The witty response 'well, at least they're not rakes' plays on the gardening theme by suggesting that even if you had 'hoes,' they are not causing any harm or damage, unlike rakes. It's a humorous way to downplay the accusation and keep the conversation lighthearted.Example: If someone teases you about having hoes, you can chuckle and say, 'True, but at least they're not rakes! Rakes can be so demanding.'

'I Prefer A One-Plant Garden.'

I prefer a One-Plant Garden' is one sincere comeback you can employ when a girl says you have hoes.This comeback uses a gardening analogy to humorously emphasize a preference for simplicity and focus on a single romantic partner.It suggests that you are not interested in managing a large, diverse garden of relationships.Example: In response to someone's comment about your social life, you can reply with a smile, 'I prefer cultivating a one-plant garden; it's easier to nurture and cherish.'

'I'm Just A Friendly Person, That's All.'

'I'm just a friendly person, that's all' is one simple response you can employ when a girl tells you that you have hoes.This straightforward response downplays any romantic connotations and emphasizes your sociable nature.It suggests that you naturally connect with people but not necessarily in a romantic or flirtatious way.Example: If someone accuses you of having hoes, you can respond with sincerity, 'I'm just a friendly person who enjoys meeting and getting to know others. It's all about making connections.'

'They're All In The Shed, I Promise.'

This witty comeback maintains the gardening theme by humorously suggesting that any 'hoes' are safely stored away in a shed, implying that they are not in active use.It adds a touch of absurdity to the accusation, making it clear that the comment is meant in jest.Example: If someone teases you about having hoes, you can playfully respond with, 'Don't worry; they're all in the shed, safe and sound. I only bring them out for gardening emergencies!'

'No, Just A Collection Of Old Text Messages'

Best Comebacks When A Girl Says You Have HoesIn response to being called a hoe by a girl, you can employ the clever comeback; 'No, just a collection of old text messages'.This comeback pivots from the concept of having multiple romantic partners to the idea of having a collection of old text messages.It suggests that the accumulation of messages might be mistaken for something more than it is, highlighting the innocence of the situation.Example: If someone comments on the number of texts on your phone, you can say, 'It's not hoes; it's just a collection of old text messages. I'm sentimental that way.'

'I Guess My Cat Counts As A 'Aoe.''

'I guess my cat counts as a hoe' is a light-hearted comeback to employ when a girl says you have hoes.This humorous response uses a play on words by suggesting that your pet cat, called a 'ho' in a playful manner, is your primary focus. It's a light-hearted way to dismiss any romantic implications.Example: In response to someone's teasing, you can laugh and say, 'Well, if my cat counts as a 'hoe,' then yes, I have one adorable 'ho' at home!'

'I Must Have Misplaced My Gardening Gloves.'

The comeback 'I must have misplaced my gardening gloves' maintains the gardening analogy by humorously implying that you might have the tools for gardening (gloves) but not necessarily the hoes (romantic partners). It's a way to keep the conversation whimsical.Example: If someone suggests you have hoes, you can respond with a wink, 'I think I've misplaced my gardening gloves, but the hoes seem to have wandered off on their own!'

'I'm Still Waiting For The Gardening Club Invitation.'

Another intriguing comeback you can employ when a girl says you have hoes is; 'I'm still waiting for the gardening club invitation'.This response humorously suggests that you are not yet part of the 'gardening club,' implying that you are not actively seeking multiple partners.It portrays you as someone who hasn't received an invite to such activities.Example: If someone teases you about your romantic life, you can reply with a grin, 'I'm still waiting for my official 'gardening club' invitation. Maybe they've lost my address!'

'Nah, I'm More Into Indoor Plants'

Best Comebacks When A Girl Says You Have HoesThis witty response; 'Nah, I'm more into indoor plants' humorously shifts the gardening theme from outdoor hose to indoor plants, implying that your interests lie in nurturing potted greenery rather than multiple romantic partners.It's a creative way to keep the conversation light and playful.Example: If someone jokes about you having hoes, you can respond with a smile, 'Nope, I'm more into indoor plants these days. They're low-maintenance and don't talk back!'

'I Thought I Was Just Being Sociable.'

You can say; 'I thought I was just being sociable when a girl says you have hoes. This response suggests that your interactions with people are purely friendly and sociable rather than romantic in nature. It emphasizes your innocent intentions and downplays any romantic implications.Example: In response to someone teasing you about having hoes, you can say, 'I thought I was just being sociable and making friends. Who knew it would lead to such rumors?'

'Only In Monopoly, Maybe.'

The comeback; 'Only in monopoly, maybe' humorously references the board game Monopoly, where players collect properties.By saying 'Only in Monopoly,' you imply that collecting things, like properties or partners, is just part of the game and not reflective of reality.Example: If someone playfully accuses you of having hoes, you can respond with a chuckle, 'Well, only in Monopoly do I collect things. In real life, not so much!'

'I'm The 'Hoe Whisperer.'

'I'm the hoe whisperer' is another funny response you can employ when a girl says you have hoes. This response uses humour to embrace the accusation playfully.By dubbing yourself the 'Hoe Whisperer,' you make light of the situation and show that you can handle teasing with a sense of humor.Example: If someone jokingly accuses you of having hoes, you can respond with a grin, 'Oh, you found out my secret! I'm the 'Hoe Whisperer' extraordinaire!'

'I'm Just Trying To Make Friends with Everyone!'

Best Comebacks When A Girl Says You Have HoesThe straightforward response; 'I'm just trying to make friends with everyone' emphasizes your friendly and approachable nature.It suggests that your interactions with people are driven by a desire to make friends and connections rather than romantic pursuits.Example: If someone teases you about having hoes, you can respond sincerely, 'I'm just trying to make friends with everyone I meet. Life is more enjoyable that way!'


These witty comebacks demonstrate how humor can enhance our interactions, strengthen connections, and make our social exchanges more enjoyable.So, the next time you find yourself in a playful exchange, remember the magic of a good comeback to keep the laughter flowing and the bonds between you and your friends strong.


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