10 Best Comebacks to "You Smell Like Fish"

Telling someone outrightly that they smell is not a nice thing. Maybe they smell, but you can't just walk up to someone to say such.So, if someone tells you that you smell like fish, it's likely they're only making fun of you, and it's understandable if you get mad at them. However, what do you say to such a statement?It can be downright difficult to come up with a quick response. But, with our great comebacks, you'll easily turn the situation in your favor.In this article, I'll be rolling out the 10 best comebacks to deal with someone that says you smell like fish.

10 Best Comebacks to "You Smell Like Fish"

There are plenty of smart replies when someone says you smell. If someone tells you that you smell like fish, you can give them a comeback that shows their insult didn't bother you.  Some examples include: "Wanna cook with it?" "Was that supposed to bother me?" or "Failed! Try again."Also, you can return the insult to them with snappy replies like: "Your father literally licked me," "Your attitude is much worse" and many more.Here are 10 clever comebacks when someone says you smell like fish.

  1. Really? I bet you're starving. Come Let Me Feed You 
  2. Wow! Try something stronger
  3. Your father literally licked me
  4. Was that supposed to bother me?
  5. Failed! Try again
  6. Tell me, how should I react?
  7. I don't smell like you, that's a win
  8. Let's check you out, you seem sick
  9. Your attitude is much worse
  10. Wanna cook with it?

Really? I Bet You're Starving. Come Let Me Feed You 

"Really? I bet you're starving. Come let me feed you " is one the best comebacks for someone that says you smell like fish. When someone tells you you smell like fish, this comment will throw them off balance.  Not only does it turn the insult around to favor you, but it also shows that they didn't even get at you with their rude statement.First, "Really?" shows that you're surprised they'd say such. Then, saying they're starving implies that that's the reason they think you smell like fish.The real bomb is adding "Come let me feed you. This comeback is just like a two-in-one. Telling them that they're starving and offering to feed them is enough to get them to feel sorry for themselves. You've just told them that they can't feed themselves and that their hunger has gotten to their sense of smell.

Wow! Try Something Stronger

"Wow! Try something stronger" is another perfect reply that'll deal with someone that insults you.When someone tells you that you smell like fish, use this response to let them know they failed at getting at you.Someone telling you that you smell like fish is attempting to make fun of you. Of course, friends can tease in such ways.But, when you know this person is trying to get a reaction from you, use this response to let them know that their words didn't have any effect on you. You can as well reply teasingly with this comeback to your friends if they're teasing you. 

Your Father Literally Licked me

Of course, this can't be true, but telling someone that says you smell like fish "Your father literally licked me," is one of the shallow comebacks that'd get at them.When someone attempts to ridicule you, especially in front of friends, rather than attacking them directly, you can try a comeback that'd hurt them badly.Returning the insult to someone close to them will hit the mark well. So, when someone says you smell like fish, telling them their father licked you, implies you've been with the father.Even though they know it isn't true, saying it in front of people will surely make them wish they hadn't come at you. They wouldn't try you another time.

Was That Supposed to Bother Me?

"Was that supposed to bother me?" is another simple reaction that tells someone that their attempt to ridicule you did not work.It's a smart reply to give and then walk away. So, when someone bullies you by saying you smell like fish, don't give them the reaction they want. Rather, look them in the eyes and ask them if that was supposed to bother you.Then walk away confidently. This response will surely shock them, and embarrass them.

Failed! Try Again 

Best Comebacks to You Smell Like FishWhen someone says you smell like fish, another great comeback that can work is "Failed! Try again."Telling them they failed will surely hurt their ego. Give them this response and walk away. In this way, you're letting them know their insult didn't get to you; they wouldn't be expecting this.

Tell Me, How Should I React?

Best Comebacks to You Smell Like Fish"Tell me, how should I react?" is another question to ask to show that their offensive words don't affect you.Asking someone that says you smell like fish this question should leave them confused. This response is a smart way of giving them the embarrassment they wanted to give you.Also, this comeback will work perfectly when they try to make fun of you with people around. I bet they wouldn't know what to say in answer, and that should do the work.But, you can always try this retort when you're alone with them and wait for their failed attempt at an answer before walking away.

I Don't Smell Like You, That's a Win

One perfect retort that'll definitely deal with someone that says you smell is "I don't smell like you, that's a win."This response is a complete twist that'll hit them faster than they know what's going on. It's just like the saying, "They don't know what hit them." Use this response with someone that attempts to mock you by saying you smell, and I bet they wouldn't know what hit them.When they say you smell like fish to make you feel low, then make them feel lower by saying your smell is better than theirs. 

Let's Check You Out, You Seem Sick

Another smart thing to say to someone that tries to offend you by saying you smell is "Let's check you out, you seem sick."This is a perfect comeback that turns the situation to be about them. When they tell you that you smell like fish, completely ignore their attempt to mock you, and turn it around in your favor.When you say they seem sick, this response implies that that's the reason they'll only say what they said. It's a smart reply to give when they try to mock you in front of people.

Your Attitude is Much Worse

Best Comebacks to You Smell Like Fish"Your attitude is much worse" is another sleek reply that'll get at someone that attempts to insult you.Of course, someone that tells you you smell like a fish has a bad attitude. Even if you smell, there's a subtle and respectful way they can relay the message to you. So, if someone tells you that you smell like fish, you can let them know that they've got a bad attitude with this snappy comeback.Saying their attitude is much worse tells them that they've got the problem and not you. So, whether you smell or not, this response will show them that they should make their bad attitude their concern and not you.Also, it shows them that you're not bothered by their rudeness.

Wanna Cook with It?

When someone says you smell like fish, one silly question you can ask to make them confused and look silly is "wanna cook with it?" This question is a funny question you can ask them to deviate their attention from you. Since you smell like a fish, then you might be helpful to them.Moreover, it shows that you're not bothered by what they think or by their insults.Also, this comeback will work adequately with people around. You should walk away afterward, leaving them in their embarrassment.

Wrapping Up

When someone attempts to mock you, let them know they've failed by giving them a reaction they're not expecting.When someone says you smell like fish, you can either return the insult to them or show them how they fail woefully at insulting you.Our comebacks will do the trick. Feel free to choose any one from the 10 above and remember, you can always create yours.


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