15 Funny Ways to Say "Go Away"

Maybe your friends have been with you all day, and you need to ask them to leave. It's not like you hate their presence, but you need to do some other things or you're tired of talking and playing all day.Or you're not in a position to receive visitors, and you don't want to be rude to them.In that case, you'll need some creative ways to send them away without sounding rude. And what other way than creating some humor?In this way, your friend will get the message without feeling hurt. So, if you need funny ways to say "go away," you're in the right place.In this article, I'll explain different funny ways you can ask someone to leave.

15 Funny Ways to Say "Go Away"

There are different amusing ways you can ask that person hanging around you to leave. When you want to tell a loved one to go away, try it with a bit of humor to avoid them getting hurt.You can use words such as: "On your bike," "It's time for you to start a journey of reflection," or "Never darken my door again." Here are 15 funny ways to say "go away!"

  1. On your bike
  2. Sling your hook
  3. Run along
  4. Take a hike
  5. Your presence is needed in "not here" land
  6. It's time for you to start a journey of reflection
  7. Fly away, little dove
  8. Can I smell you later?
  9. Never darken my door again 
  10. Why don't you chase your dreams to a different location
  11. Get behind me, Satan
  12. Let the wind blow you away 
  13. Hop along, toad
  14. Don't let the door smack you on your way out of here
  15. I'm in a serious relationship with solitude now

On Your Bike

Funny Ways to Say Go Away"On your bike" is an informal expression you use with friends to send them away. It's one of the funny ways you can ask someone to leave. This expression is a light yet effective way to get someone to leave.When you're tired of entertaining your friends, you can say "on your bike" to let them know it's time to leave. It's just like getting on your bike and cycling away. So, in the same way, they expect someone on a bike to ride it out of a spot, they should understand you want them to go away.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • It's alright guys, on your bike now. I'm exhausted
  • It's time to get on your bike, enough for the day 

Sling Your Hook

Another informal phrase you can use to ask someone to leave is "sling your hook." It's a straightforward expression that means "go away."Also, it's an idiomatic expression you should use in a lighthearted way. Many years ago when people worked in shipyards, they had very large hooks they used to snatch their bags and go away.Once they stop work, they grab their bag, sling it over their shoulder, and go away. So, you can use this expression jokingly to ask someone to leave.Here are some examples:

  • Sling your hook now, mate. It's getting late
  • It's time to sling your hook and disappear 

Run Along

"Run along" is another humorous expression you can say instead of "go away" when you want someone to leave.This expression clearly means one should go. It's a lighthearted expression you use for friends to send them away. Also, it's one of the expressions parents use with their kids to send them away when they are being a disturbance.So, it'll work with friends or colleagues to convey the same message playfully.Here are some examples:

  • Run along and get busy with some other colleagues
  • Run along and do some chores
  • Run along and play with Mary and Marie 

Take a Hike

Funny Ways to Say Go Away"Take a hike" is another simple expression you can use instead of "go away" when you want some time to yourself. It's an amusing expression that'd work with friends when you want them to leave.To hike means to pack a bag and go for a walk through some off-road or hiking paths for a day or more. In simpler terms, it means to take a walk.So, when you ask someone to take a hike, they should understand you mean go away. You can say it like you're giving them a bit of advice; that's what makes it funny. They should understand your intent.Here's how to use this phrase:

  • Take a hike now, it'll do your legs some good
  • I want to get busy with some work, so take a hike, good friend 
  • Take a hike and remember to pack some food

Your Presence Is Needed in "Not Here" Land 

Another hilarious expression that'd work when you want someone to leave you alone is "Your presence is needed in "not here" land."It's a dramatic statement that tells the person that you don't need them around at the moment. It's a suitable response for someone who comes to visit unexpectedly.So, when your friend visits you without calling, you can use this statement to chase them away. "Not here" definitely means, not with you.Here's how to use the statement:

  • I'm sorry, friend, your presence is needed in "not here" land
  • I'm afraid I can't see you now. Your presence is needed in "not here" land

It's Time for You to Start a Journey of Reflection

Another funny statement you can use to chase someone away is "It's time for you to start a journey of reflection."If it's the case your friends have been with you for quite a time and they haven't taken the cue to leave, this is another dramatic way of telling them it's time to leave.When someone starts a journey, it means they're leaving for somewhere. So, when you use this statement, they should understand you want them to go.Here's how to use it 

  • It's time for you to start a journey of reflection somewhere else
  • It's time for you to start a journey of reflection. Take a book on your way 


Fly Away, Little Dove 

Funny Ways to Say Go Away"Fly away, little dove" is another thing you can say instead of "go away." It's a funny way to ask someone to leave.It is something you can say to your children or little siblings when you want to be alone. Also, it's a gentle expression that wouldn't hurt them. So, you should use this phrase when you want your children to leave you alone.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Fly away, little dove, Mom wants to clean the house
  • Fly away, little dove, and go play with your friends, so Daddy can work 

Can I Smell You Later?

Another funny statement that can work to get someone to go away is "Can I smell you later?" One of the funny ways to bid someone goodbye is to say, "smell you later." It means "See you later."So, you can also use this expression to ask someone to leave. When you ask them if you can smell them later, it's like asking them if you can see them later.So, this is a gentle yet straightforward way to ask someone to leave. It's also a playful question that should get a laugh from them. So, when someone visits you unexpectedly, you can use this question on them.Here's how to use it:

  • I'm sorry, Mike, Can I see you later?
  • Mmmh, can I smell you later? I'm kinda busy

Never Darken My Door Again 

"Never darken my door again" is a serious statement you can use playfully to ask someone to leave.This expression means you want them to leave and not come back. Perhaps your friend is being a nuisance at the moment, you can use this expression to chase them away.It'll also work to give them the impression that you're very angry with them. However, when using this expression you should be mindful of your tone, as it can sound rude.And if you're truly angry, using this expression may convey the wrong message.Here's how to use this expression

  • Never darken my door again, I'm not happy with you
  • Never darken my door again until you bring me the gift you promised 

Why Don't You Chase Your Dreams to a Different Location

Another expression that can work to ask someone to leave when you want some time alone is "Why don't you chase your dreams to a different location"This statement sounds like a question, but it's a funny way of asking someone to leave. It'll work with someone that has spent some time with you and you want them to leave.Or if you don't want to receive any visitors, you can use this statement, instead of "go away."Here's how to use it:

  • Why don't you chase your dreams to a different location, I've heard enough
  • Why don't you chase your dreams to a different location, I'm busy now 

Get Behind Me, Satan

Another funny thing you can say when you want to chase someone away is "Get behind me, Satan."This is a rebuke Jesus said to Peter, one of his disciples, as recorded in the bible. So, you can use this expression when you want your friends to leave you alone.It's a strong statement you should use playfully. Using this phrase when you're truly angry won't sound funny.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Come on, get behind me, Satan. I don't want to see you
  • Get behind me, Satan. You're being troublesome these days 

Let the Wind Blow You Away 

"Let the wind blow you away" is another way you can ask someone to leave.This expression is a humorous one that tells the person that you don't want to see them again at that moment.Maybe you've been together for some time and you want them to leave. You can use this statement to jokingly convey your message.Here's how to use it:

  • Let the wind blow you away, I've had enough
  • Let the wind blow you away, so I can have some time to myself 

Hop Along, Toad

Another thing you can say instead of "go away" is "Hop along, toad." It's another playful way of asking someone to leave when you want to be alone.Just like a toad hops from one place to another, this comparison will work to ask a friend to leave. Maybe you've entertained them for a long time, you can use this expression to jokingly tell them it's to leave.They should understand the message.Here's how to use it:

  • Hop along, toad, you've overstayed your welcome
  • Hop along, toad, let me get some work done 

Don't Let the Door Smack You on your Way Out of Here

"Don't let the door smack you on your way out of here" is another expression you can use when you want someone to leave.If you've been with a friend, and you feel it's time for them to leave, you can use this phrase to adequately pass the message. But, you should be careful when using this statement, because it can come off as rude. Here's how to use the expression:

  • Don't let the door smack you on your way out of here. I've got some work to do
  • Okay, friend, I want to sleep now. Just don't let the door smack you on your way out of here

I'm in a Serious Relationship with Solitude Now

"I'm in a serious relationship with solitude now" is another thing you can say when you want someone to know you need to be alone.If someone visits you unexpectedly, and you can't receive them, using this statement will tell them you want them to leave.So, instead of saying "Go away," you can playfully tell them you want to be alone with this statement.Here's how to use it:

  • I'm sorry we can't talk now. I'm in a serious relationship with solitude now
  • I'm in a serious relationship with solitude now. Come back tomorrow 

Final Words

There are plenty of ways you can ask someone to leave without sounding rude or saying, "Go away."When you want to create some humor and still achieve your aim, you can use any of the above expressions to ask someone to go away. It'll work adequately.


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