20 Best Answers to ”How Are You Feeling?”

When someone asks you ‘how are you feeling?’ they’re trying to find out your wellbeing at the moment.

Now, let’s say you’re a self-conscious person, you’ll know how best to answer them because of how you’ve made your life to be. On the other hand, you may find it difficult to provide an answer to that question without sounding regular.

If your aim is to avoid sounding regular, you’re at the right place. In this article, we’ll be discussing the 20 best answers to ‘how are you feeling?’. Read on to discover more!

20 Best Answers to ‘How Are You Feeling?’

‘I’m fine’ or ‘I’m okay’ are the most regular answers a lot of people give when they’re asked ‘how’re you feeling?’ However, there’s more you can say when someone is interested to know how you’re really feeling.

Some of the best answers to ‘how’re you feeling?’ include ‘I’m feeling warm and optimistic like a blast of sunshine’, ‘I’m feeling so important, like the air you breathe’, ‘Fine, I’m feeling fine’ and ‘I’m feeling so great, I bet Alexander will be jealous if he was here’.

It’d be nice if we got straight to the main part of this post which is the highlight of the best 20 answers to ‘how’re you feeling?’ below.

  • I am feeling fly as the last aircraft that flew away from Afghan
  • I guess I’m feeling a lot freer than I was yesterday
  • The last 20 minutes, I was okay. Right now, I can’t find the right words to describe that
  • I am feeling like the King in a chess game, always fighting and no relenting
  • I may be fine, but I’m still feeling nostalgic
  • I’m feeling so great, I bet Alexander will be jealous if he was here
  • I’m feeling warm and optimistic like a blast of sunshine
  • Whatever I feel is not something I can spit out just like that
  • I feel like a compass, firmly making my way through the travails of life
  • I’m feeling like a child a day before his or her birthday. So expectant!
  • Well, since you asked, I’m feeling cool but that’s a lie I needed to say
  • I’m feeling like Everest, standing tall and unraveled
  • I’m feeling so wise that Confucius might apply as my student
  • Pretty good, that’s all my mind can think of right now
  • Indifferent about everything, just navigating through life
  • I guess you want to know if I’m happy or sad. Well, I don’t feel a thing
  • Let’s see if I have any answers to  your question…Sorry, I don’t
  • I’m feeling so important, like the air you breathe
  • Fine, I am feeling fine
  • Here comes the question of the century that doesn’t always get real answers. Well, I’m feeling like I just hit rock bottom and also conquered  Mesopotamia

I Am Feeling Fly as the Last Aircraft That Flew Away From Afghan

‘I am feeling fly as the last aircraft that flew away from Afghan’ is one of the slick answers to when someone asks you how you’re feeling.

It is so because it helps you capture a particular way of feeling which has to do with feeling really good or “fly” as it is often put sometimes. 

In addition to that, the above line helps you sound a bit comic while answering this crucial question. Therefore, you might find this line of response as a viable one if you want to sound anything like I’ve already mentioned.

I Guess I’m Feeling a Lot Freer Than I Was Yesterday

‘I guess I’m feeling a lot freer than I was yesterday’ is yet another cool answer which you can serve when someone asks you how you are feeling.

The good thing about this line of response is that it affords you the chance to go back in time, and compare and contrast with whatever you’re feeling at the moment to carve out for yourself how you’re feeling. 

Telling the person that you’re freer than yesterday serves them right as you do not exactly pinpoint a certain emotion, but rather choose to say that you’re not more relieved than before.

The Last 20 Minutes, I Was Okay. Right Now, I Can’t Find the Right Words To Describe That

‘The last 20 minutes, I was okay. Right now, I can’t find the right words to describe that’ can be your preferred line of response when someone asks you how you are doing.

With the tone of this answer and how it sounds philosophical, you can bet on it to serve in your best interest when answering to questions like how’re you doing and what are you thinking?

I Am Feeling Like the King in a Chess Game, Always Fighting and No Relenting

‘I’m feeling like the king in a chess game, always fighting and not relenting’ can be your answer when someone asks you how you’re doing.

Here, you’re trying to put things into perspective by telling the person that you’re feeling persistent in life’s struggle just like the king in a chess game, who’s always protecting the queen and fighting it with everything it has.

I May Be Fine, but I’m Still Feeling Nostalgic 

You can picture the feeling of nostalgia by saying ‘I may be fine, but still feeling nostalgic’ when someone asks you how you’re feeling.

This feeling is one that plunges us in deep thoughts of past events and memories. It makes us live through those moments again and this time, more vividly, especially with those who played significant roles in our life.

I’m Feeling So Great, I Bet Alexander Will Be Jealous if He Was Here

‘I’m feeling so great, I bet Alexander would be jealous if he was here’ is a smart answer when someone asks you how you’re feeling. It is smart because it incorporates a literary device called pun.

Popularly known as ‘play on words’, this response is the deal breaker if you want to induce some laughter when you want to answer a question like ‘How’re you doing?’

I’m Feeling Warm and Optimistic Like a Blast of Sunshine

‘I’m feeling warm and optimistic like a blast of sunshine’ is a super cool answer to ‘how’re you feeling?’ It is warm in the sense that it is usually delivered with a sense of friendliness. And optimistic because of the same thing. 

There’s also a use of another literary phenomenon known as Simile, where what you’re feeling is likened to a blast of sunshine.

Whatever I Feel Is Not Something I Can Spit Out Just Like That

‘Whatever I feel is not something I can spit out just like that’ is your one crafty response to when someone asks how’re you feeling? It is smart because you’re telling the person questioning you that you can’t give words to what you feel.

Based on that, we can deduce that this response is usually meant for when you’re finding it difficult to put words to how you’re feeling. You might feel this way if you just broke up with your loved one or lost a job or any possible tragic occurrence.

I Feel Like a Compass, Firmly Making My Way Through the Travails of Life

‘I feel like a compass, firmly making my way through the travails of life’ might as well be your preferred choice of response when someone asks you how you’re feeling.

Here, you’re taking your time to acknowledge the intricacies of life and how they affect us in our daily lives. Similarly, you’re pointing out that you’re strongly making your way through that phase of your life.

I’m Feeling Like a Child a Day Before His or Her Birthday. So Expectant!

If there’s something you’re waiting for and someone asks you how’re you feeling, you can say to them ‘I’m feeling like a child a day before his or her birthday. So expectant!’ 

This way, you try to tell the person asking you that you are high on expecting something to happen or someone to act in a certain type of way.

Well, Since You Asked, I’m Feeling Cool but That’s a Lie I Needed To Say

Best Answers to ”How Are You Feeling?”

We don’t often say how we’re doing or feeling, because most times we lose the bearing of getting a clearer depiction of how we feel.

However, when someone asks you how are you feeling, you can tell them ‘well, since you asked, I’m feeling cool but that’s a lie I needed to say’. 

I’m Feeling Like Everest, Standing Tall and Unraveled

If you want to tell stories of how strong you feel when someone asks you, you can say ‘I’m feeling like Everest, standing tall and unraveled’. This way, you try to tell them that you’re in the phase of your life where you can’t really give up. 

With the mention of standing tall, you’re also insinuating that you don’t easily get shaken by things happening around you.

I’m Feeling So Wise That Confucius Might Apply as My Student

It’s okay to sound funny too when someone asks you how are you feeling as you can answer the person by saying ‘I’m feeling so wise that Confucius might apply as my student’. This is one of the best brainy answers to how’re you feeling in this article.

Pretty Good, That’s All My Mind Can Think of Right Now

‘Pretty good, that’s all my mind can think of right now’ is inarguably one of the best responses you can give to how you’re feeling, especially when you’re not a person of many words.

Also, if you don’t want to continue talking with the person that asked you the question, you can say this response and leave the scene.

Indifferent About Everything, Just Navigating Through Life

Do you feel odd about what life is about? You can capture that when someone asks how you’re feeling by answering them with ‘Indifferent about everything, just navigating through life’.

I know it sounds pretty irregular but we don’t always have an opinion about things, sometimes we’re just sitting at the edge.

I Guess You Want To Know if I’m Happy or Sad. Well, I Don’t Feel a Thing

Just like the previous line of response, you can say ‘I guess you want to know if I’m happy or sad. Well,  don’t feel a thing’ as your answer when someone asks you how’re you doing.

If you answer the person with this response, it means you don’t want to get into details about how you feel and even if you do,it may not be towards the person that asked you the question.

Let’s See if I Have Any Answers To  Your Question…Sorry, I Don’t

You can choose to sound more ingenious with your response to how you’re feeling by answering ‘let’s see if I have any answers to your questions…sorry,I don’t’. 

At least, with this you tend to make it clear to the person that asked you the question that you don’t want to tell them anything,even if you had anything to say in the first place.

I’m Feeling So Important, Like the Air You Breathe

‘I’m feeling so important, like the air you breathe’ is a thoughtful answer to how you’re feeling, especially when you really feel significant. If you feel wanted and desired, you can answer with this particular line of response.

Fine, I Am Feeling Fine

Best Answers to ”How Are You Feeling?”

I was hoping we can revisit the age-long regular replies to how’re you feeling where you can answer with ‘Fine, I am feeling fine’.

This is the usual line of response you can use if you don’t talk much or you want to keep your particular discussion with the person that asked you the question short and simple. If that’s the case, saying this response as your answer is super cool.

Here Comes the Question of the Century That Doesn’t Always Get Real Answers. Well, I’m Feeling Like I Just Hit Rock Bottom and Also Conquered  Mesopotamia

Do you feel a lot of things at the same time? If that’s the case, you might need to employ this line of response as your answer when someone asks how you’re feeling. With its tone and delivery, it is understandable that this response is all shades of feeling and emotions.

Wrapping Up

‘How’re you feeling?’ is one of the best questions out there that is often used to determine how an individual actually responds when subjected under sophisticated circumstances.

Pending your social life with people, someone can ask you how you’re feeling and you find yourself replying with the regular answers.

However, this article presents you with a wealth of the best 20 different ways to answer when someone asks you how you’re feeling.

You just have to assimilate them well, make a pick and you’re on your way of sounding refined when someone asks you how’re you doing. 

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